Samstag, 17. Oktober 2015

Things You Should Think About Before Travelling

Travelling! An awesome way to spend the holidays and to see the world!! Do it, because I think there is hardly a better way to spend your life and broaden your horizon. But before going travelling you have to think about a few things! Since I love to travel I thought it might help if I wrote down some of points you might want to think about. 

Well the first and most obvious question is where do you want to travel to? Which will bring along the second question. What's your budget? Because depending on your budget it might be harder to reach travel destinations that are farther away or it might shorten the trip or you might have to skip something you might have liked to do. Whatever you want to do you will have to keep an eye on your money, if you are a millionaire than probably not but the rest of us usually has to ;)

Also something you might want to think about is what kind of holidays you want. Do you want to go on a roadtrip or backpacker trip or an all inclusive holiday? Or travel with a group where everything is planned and all you have to think about is what you want to eat? Depending on all these thing you have to think about different things. With some of these options you have to do next to no planning with others… you’ll have to think about a ton of things.

Roadtrip for example? Do you have someone travelling with you or do you want to go alone? Are you old enough to rent a car or camper? Can you drive a car or camper? Do you have the right insurance? Will it cover all eventualities? You have to know the rout you want to take, not a 100% but which places you want to visit and which is the most sensible order in which to visit them? You have to think about a budget on how much you can spend on the most on accommodations, food and so on per day. A good way to keep track of what you spend is to just write down your costs each evening and you will know if you have a little more money to spend the next day or if you have to keep a closer eye on it.

If you travel with someone else knowing your budgets is even more important because you depend on each other and what you want to do together. You both need enough money so you can travel together and can do a decent planning.

Also remember that if travel with a friend, you will spend pretty much 24/7 together during the holiday, so you should stay flexible and be ready to compromise if not it might become a little bumpy in your friendship during the trip.

Should you be travelling with someone you don’t know, like someone you meet through an online platform that helps you find a travelling companion, look for someone you feel comfortable with. Do you want someone with the same gender or is that unimportant to you? What age should that person be? And do you want to spend a holiday together doing similar things.

AND before travelling together you should meet, once for your own safety and second to see if you get along. Should you not be able to meet in person, try to Skype or something similar. And don’t give too much private information at the beginning, again for your own safety! Or like in my case, which I mentioned in the previous post, be sure you can travel alone should you not get along with your travelling companion.

The last point I’m going to mention is splitting the bills. When you travel with someone you sometimes split the bill when you go eating somewhere or when you do some sightseeing tours. Or when one of you rents a car or camper or maybe the gas for your car. If you travel for example with a good friend and he or she rents the car you can pay the gas till you payed your part of the car and then you take turns paying.

If you travel with someone you’re not so well acquatinted with try to pay your debt quickly by giving him or her the money cash or make a deal that you pay the money for the gas until you’re even. If you are the one who payed up front for something big you can consider to make a “contract” not a ten page contract but just a piece of paper where you write down what you payed for example the car and that your partner will pay you back by paying for gas till you’re even. And when you’re even just write when the debt was payed.

These were the most important things I can think of if I forgot something it will pop up in the following post somewhere ;)

I’ll just leave a list with the most important points down here:

-          Where do you want to travel to?
-          What’s your budget?
-          What kind of travel do you want to do?
-          Are there certain thinks that are a must do for you?
-          Do you travel alone?
-          If not with whom do you want to travel?
-          If you don’t know the person beforehand, meet before making any bookings!
-          Decide with your companion how you want to deal with bills that can’t be split right away, before starting your journey. Consider a “contract”
-          And last but definitely not least: Have fun planning your trip and love your journey!!!!
