Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2013

Makeup yay or nay?

Hey Guys,

Today I want to talk about the discussion that is always going on when one talks about makeup. It’s the discussion makeup or no makeup.

There are people that say never makeup or always. I made the decision for myself to always wear makeup, when I go outside. I don’t need to use all kinds of makeup like, foundation, lipstick, eye shadow, bronzer and so on. I guess you guys know all the makeup :D But I use foundation or at least concealer because I tend to have red spots and unclear skin all the time and usually mascara and sometimes bronzer. 

But there are other people who say they don’t like to use makeup and some even say that it is to cover insecurities and so on.

I think there are extremes on both sides. Makeup can make you feel better or can give your self-esteem a boost, but there are some people that in my opinion use way too much makeup for my taste and I think there are some who really use all the makeup to cover something up and others just like to use a lot of makeup that is not natural and very noticeable.

I think you don’t need tons of makeup, but a bit to emphasize your natural amenities can’t hurt and it makes a good impression when you meet other people, no matter if they are friends or people you meet for the first time.

I think everyone has to decide on his own if or if not to use makeup and if you use makeup and how much. What I don’t like about this discussion is when some want to tell others if and how to use makeup. Make up your own mind ;D

What do you guys think?

Have a great day everyone;)

Your Dahlia

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