Sonntag, 2. Juni 2013

My Little Tips And Tricks

Hey Ladys,

I saw a video on YouTube from Daaruum, a german Youtuber, which I really like. The video was about a few tips and tricks for make-up and so on which gave me the idea to do a post about it. Because who doesn’t know about something  that really bugs you because you just never get it right or it always takes so long and you have no idea how to get it done faster or you look for a cheaper solution for something. So today I will tell you about my little tricks which I came up with or saw somewhere.

1.  Strawberries :D  I like to use the fresh ones in summer to clean my skin and prevent blackheads or comedones. I’ve read about it and there is some enzyme in them that is good for the skin. One is usually enough for my face but if I do my décolleté as well I just take another one. Just cut your strawberry in half and carefully rub the open side on your skin, and leave the eyes and mouth out, like you are supposed to do with all masks and products. Let it on your skin for a few minutes and then clean it off with a bit warm water and a sponge, dap your face dry and your done ;) I think it works for me but maybe I’m just imagining it ;) But I like to do it :D

2.   Another way to clean your pores is a… I don’t know the English word for it but I will call it   steam-bath and it’s for the face again :D Take a big bowl put in two bags of chamomile tea and fill the bowl with about a liter of hot water. Hold your head over it and put a towel over your head so the steam doesn’t go away and the warmth stays. I also like to put in a few drops of tea tree oil because for me the skin feels even a bit more cleaner with it. BUT don’t use too much tea tree oil because it burns in the eyes and makes it harder to breath for the first minute or maybe a bit longer.
In the end it’s similar to what a beautician does with steam. The steam is used to open the pores and relax the skin with the warmth. After the steam-bath you can open and clean pimples easier, because your skin is softer and more relaxed, also it absorbs more or better moisture. Sometimes I put on a cream or a mask after the steam-bath, but before I warm the cream/ mask because if it’s cold, the skin closes up again and doesn’t absorb as much product as it could.
At the end I usually put tea tree oil on pimples or ‘infected’ or sore spots with the hope to reduce them better and faster.

3.  Something else I like to do for my face once a while is a self-made rub. It consists of honey, grounded coffee and grounded chili or chili oil. Honey is a great moisturizer, the coffee works as peeling and the chili starts a really good blood circulation which supports the moisturizing. For the amounts I would say 2-3 tablespoons of the honey which you should warm before because it’s easier to use and as I explained in the point before, warmth opens and relaxes the skin. Coffee about 1,5 tablespoons and grounded chili…a teaspoon and if you use oil…0,5 tablespoon…Depending on how much peeling you want add or take less coffee and with the chili you should pay really much attention on how strong it is because it can give you skin irritations, so you should test the paste on the inside of your elbow or the inside of your wrist, because your skin is a little thinner on these places and is therefore perfect to check if your skin agrees with it. And DON’T put any of the paste to close to your eyes, cause I can tell you chili burns like crazy in your eyes. I speak from experience ;D

4.  Honey works also great as moisturizer for your hair. Warm it to a nice touchable warmth and put it in your slightly moisturized hair. And let it work for a few minutes. To keep your clothes clean you can put on a shower cap, or wrap your hair in plastic wrap, which will also help to keep it all a bit warm and helps moisturizing your hair a bit more. When you shower it off keep the water warm or the honey gets harder and getting it out will really suck… experience speaking again ;D

5.  Something I like to use on pimples is tea tree oil. It has a disinfecting quality. And if it’s sore or open it heals faster. That is at least my experience with it… The smell is okay maybe a bit strong and if you use it close under the eyes it can burn for a moment or two … but that’s the worst that can happen ;)

6.  Mascara I guess you know it all, this problem when you use it there is always too much product on the brush and you brush it off at the opening of the bottle. The problem with that is when you put the brush back in you have tons of product on the brush again and the rest which doesn’t go back in dries really quick and when you use the mascara again and you have pieces or crumbs of it in your brush and in the end on your eyelashes. There are two ways to deal with that problem. First clean the opening of your mascara with a Q-tip or something like that or a bit tissue on a regular base. The other solution is to wipe of the brush on a tissue, but that way you will lose a product.

I personally use the first method, but sometimes you still have crumbs in your brush and you can’t get rid of them. I then clean the whole brush by wiping it with a clean tissue, without make-up remover or anything like that. Just take off most of the product and you have a nice clean mascara brush again. ;)

Another tip with mascara, when you make a blob or a smear on your skin while putting on the make-up, wait till it’s dry and then use a Q-tip and rotate it around it self while taking it off, you won’t make any more smears :D

7.   A tip for using eye shadow that tends to crumble really easy and in the end you have more eye shadow under your eyes than on them is to put a tissue really close under the lower eyelashes and have it go out a bit on the sides. That way the eye shadow is on the tissue and not on your skin, and if a bit should still be on your skin take your powder brush and brush it off carefully :D

8.   If you have a natural darker skin colour on your lips and the lip gloss or lipstick is darker or differs from the colour it’s supposed to have, there is a simple trick to avoid that. Use your foundation or a lighter foundation or concealer on your lips as base. It makes your lip colour more neutral and the colour of your lipstick/ gloss won’t change as much or not at all and if you have a good foundation/ concealer it can make the lip product stay longer. ;)

9.  If you can’t find a foundation in your skin tone, like I do, don’t think there has to be a foundation that fits you perfectly. Buy a tone that is too light and one that is a bit too dark and mix them to your skin tone. I have found a foundation that
fits me but I found it in Canada. The problem about that is the brand and series exist in Germany BUT the tones that are sold differ from country to country. The tone that fits me is from Maybelline from the ‘Fit Me’ series the colour 110. The concealer you can get here but not the foundation, which really sucks… But now I just mix two different foundations and that works perfect for me and it stays on really long. :D

10.  In case you’re make up remover is empty or you forgot it somewhere, you can use a good body lotion or body butter. It’s not a solution for the everyday life, but for an emergency it’s perfect ;D

11.   My last tip is to always look for new products, or LEs (Limited Edition), or whatever you’re looking for in the magazines from your drugstores, which are usually for free. I usually look in the magazine from Müller which is called ‘Body&Soul’ which is also the name of their own brand products. And the other magazine I like to read is the ‘Alverde Magazine’ from DM. They have great articles, show new products and announce sometimes special offers. Take a look ;)

I hope you can use some of the tips!! :D

Do you have any tips and tricks that make your lives easier? I would love to know them!!

Have a fantastic day everyone!!

Your Dahlia

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